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Soil and water indices (GLP)

Soils are complex systems with diverse physical and chemical properties. Therefore, many ecotoxicological tests and tests according to the chemicals act must be conducted on different soil types in different regions.
There are clear differences in water indices as well.

Water level check
Water characteristics

Our service

In our modern lab, we conduct characterisation of soils with standardised methods of soil science for our clients under GLP conditions.
We also determine various water indices in the scope of the supporting analytics of ecotoxicological tests and tests according to the chemicals act.

Soil indices


  • Soil type
  • Cation exchange capacity
  • Kjeldahl nitrogen
  • Maximum water capacity
  • Microbial biomass
  • Organic carbon TOC/TIC
  • pF-value (pF 2.0, 2.5 and 4.2)
  • pH-value (H2O and CaCl2)
  • Raw density
  • Dry substance
  • Sediment analytics

Water indices

  • Organic carbon TOC/DOC
  • pH-value (H2O and CaCl2)
    Water hardness

…other parameters on request

Your contact

Dr. Kai Naumann

Head of Division Analytics

+ 49 34292 863-600

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